Liquidity Event Administration

While now you have a liquidity event in sight, we offer ESOP Leap (Liquidity Event Administration Platform) to plan-execute-comply payoffs to your employees seamlessly.


Just providing stock options is not adequate. It is important for companies and promoters to provide periodic liquidity avenues against these options through either External Funding – Purchase by Investor/ IPO or Internal Funding – Surrender of Options by Employees/Buy-back of Shares to unlock latent value and make ESOPs more lucrative and acceptable.


– ESOP Leap is designed to deliver seamless customer experience while managing a liquidity event by unlisted companies embedding their needs and priorities. It has strong analytics feature with a BI tool which provides interactive visualization to the user interface to create own reports and dashboards. While planning for the event, the platform enables creating and saving multiple scenarios around amount of funds available options or employees eligible to participate.

We would be happy to be of assistance to you.